About Us
Langley Fastball Association
We are the premier fastpitch-style softball organization serving Langley, south of 72nd Ave, since 1956. We currently have over 400 members we keep growing every year.
Our home park is Noel Booth at 204th St and 36th Ave.
Langley Fastball Association (“LFA”) is a non-profit organization that aims to promote a lifelong enjoyment of Fastpitch-style softball, while emphasizing positive player, parent and fan experiences.
The LFA Leadership goals emphasize core values of discipline, teamwork, safety, respect and integrity in all our members.
Our Vision
LFA is viewed as a premier Fastpitch organization, and is looked upon as the gold standard for all around leadership in the softball community, player retention and athletic excellence, quality coaching and empowerment resources, engaged parent participation and cooperative communication, respected and honourable officials, effective game play and outstanding fan experiences.
Our Strategy
As an association we will:

Located in Langley, British Columbia
A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors!
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We would like to acknowledge that our Langley Fastball home fields are located on the unceded, traditional territory of the Katzie, Kwantlen, Tsawwassen First Nation (Coast Salish people), and Sto:lo First Nations.