Playing Rules
2024 Playing Rules
Any rules specified here override any SBBC rules. If a rule is not specified than we follow the SBBC rule.
This page will be updated as rules are formalized for the 2024 season.
U9 Rules for the 2022 Season
- Each batter is to be given no more than FIVE pitches by an adult pitcher. Adult Pitchers can be coaches or parents. After the player has had five pitches a tee is to be brought in and the player hits off a tee.
- Prior to the game, a Double/Home Run line is to be marked in the outfield, measured 65’ feet from home plate, using 5-6 cones.
- If the player hits the ball so it bounces or rolls past the line the batter is awarded a double and advances to 2nd. All players already on base advance two bases.
- If the player hits the ball so it lands past the line the batter is awarded a home run. All players already on base score.
- The batting team’s coach will call out the ruling and direct his/her players to advance accordingly.
- All players bat each inning.
- U9 uses an 11” Softie. The home team is to provide a new or near new ball as the game ball.
- Strike zone – increase strike zone to 19” wide (rather than the plate width of 17”)
- Distances – Bases 45’, pitching 30’, H to 2B 56’ 7”. The home team is to setup the field for the game.
- There is NO STEALING of any base, including overthrows.
- All players play defense, with a max of 6 players in the infield.
- Date TBD, batters and baserunners can be called out, either by force-out, tag-out or caught fly ball, according to accepted softball rules.
When a player is deemed out they are to leave the field and return to their dugout. The out call will be made by the batting team's coach.
Innings will not end after 3 outs, the entire team will still bat. The last batter of the order cannot be called out and is to run all the bases. The main object of this rule addition is to introduce a need for urgency running the bases in preparation for playing Mite/U10.
batter of the order cannot be called out and is to run all the bases. The main object of this rule addition is to introduce a need for urgency running the bases in preparation for playing Mite/U10.
U11C District 8 Fraser Valley Interlock Rules 2024
Standing rules
These rules apply to teams playing in the District 8 inter-lock. These rules overrule SBBC rules, which in turn over-rules the current Softball Canada Rule book, in case where there is a conflict.
Remember we are in this district interlock to be fair and honest to the players. Fair play is considered an important component of the game.
Fair Play Rule. All players will be given the opportunity to play multiple positions throughout the season. All players are to play no less than 2 innings in the in field and no player can play more than 3 consecutive innings in the same position, except pitchers. Any variation of this rule must be submitted to the players home team association Executive for approval. No player should sit more the 2 innings in a 6-inning game.
A pitcher will be limited to pitching only 2 innings per week then an alternate pitcher must be used. Any pitcher may be used in 7th inning. 1 pitch constitutes an inning.
All teams are required to keep a game sheets for player positions. At the request of their home association, they are required to produce them for review. Teams not complying with the fair play rule are subject to a disciplinary procedure.
Sick and injured players will be noted with team coaches. Scorekeepers and the plate umpire must be notified of the players circumstances and be noted in scorebooks.
All violations are subject to disciplinary actions.
Home Team is responsible for:
General rules
U13C District 8 Fraser Valley Interlock Rules 2024
Standing rules
These rules apply to teams playing in the District 8 inter-lock. These rules overrule SBBC rules, which in turn over-rules the current Softball Canada Rule book, in case where there is a conflict.
Remember we are in this district interlock to be fair and honest to the players. Fair play is considered an important component of the game.
Fair Play Rule. All players will be given the opportunity to play multiple positions throughout the season. All players are to play no less than 2 innings in the in field and no player can play more than 3 consecutive innings in the same position, except pitchers. Any variation of this rule must be submitted to the players home team association Executive for approval. No player should sit more the 2 innings in a 6-inning game.
A pitcher will be limited to pitching only 4 innings per game then an alternate pitcher must be used. Any pitcher may be used in 7th inning. 1 pitch constitutes an inning.
All teams are required to keep a game sheets for player positions. At the request of their home association, they are required to produce them for review. Teams not complying with the fair play rule are subject to a disciplinary procedure.
> Sick and injured players will be noted with team coaches. Scorekeepers and the plate umpire must be notified of the players circumstances and be noted in scorebooks.
> All violations are subject to disciplinary actions.
Home Team is responsible for:
General rules
For teams playing outside of District 8, you will follow the Lower Mainland Softball Committee rules.
These are update periodically.
LMSC 2022 U11 – Super Mite Rules
1. All games to be governed by league rules. Where no league rules apply, Softball B.C. operating rules (New 2022 U13 rules), then Softball Canada rules will be in effect.
2. This is a no protest league; umpire decisions will be final.
3. All game times will be 6:30 p.m., unless otherwise specified by the home team’s Association Field Allocation Manger or Scheduler. There will be no time limit on games except where park rules or darkness apply.
4. The home team is responsible for supplying umpires, game balls, lining the field and supplying a “double base”.
5. Teams may play with 8 players. Coaches have the option of borrowing a defensive player from the opposition. When the 9th player arrives, they may be added to the roster without penalty. In case of 8 players the 9th player will not be an automatic out.
6. Pitching distance will be 35ft and bases will be set at 45ft.
7. Four run maximum per inning in affect.
8. Pitcher may pitch a maximum of 4 innings. One pitch thrown is considered an inning. Pitching limitation rule is suspended in extra innings or during international rule play.
9. A player cannot advance to home on a steal, passed ball or wild pitch. The player must be batted in or forced home by a walk or is part of a continuation of a play (i.e., overthrow).
10. Runner may advance one base on an overthrow and do so at the risk of being thrown/tagged out. Runner may try to advance one base per overthrow if consecutive overthrows are made in the same play to a maximum of two throws.
11. Players may not advance to any base on a catcher overthrow to the pitcher after a pitch.
12. Runners must slide if a play is happening at the base they are advancing to, including home plate. Exception 1st base where the batter runner must cross the safety bag. If in the opinion of the umpire the player did not attempt to slide the runner will be called out.
13. Drop Third strike rule is not in effect.
14. Infield fly rule is not in effect.
15. A 11” ball (COR .47) Ball will be used.
16. A Run Ahead Rule shall result in the conclusion of the game when after 2 ½, 3, 3 ½, or 4 complete innings of play a 10-run mercy rule will be in effect., the losing team has the option to continue to play or end the game if the game it is consider a mercy.
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Recent News
2023 Registration is Open!
Umpires Wanted!
2022 Registration is Open!
Contact Info

Mailing Address only:
Langley Fastball Association
PO Box 61515
4030 200th St.
Langley, BC V3A 1K0
We would like to acknowledge that our Langley Fastball home fields are located on the unceded, traditional territory of the Katzie, Kwantlen, Tsawwassen First Nation (Coast Salish people), and Sto:lo First Nations.