2024 Fall Ball is Back!!
LFA is excited to announce that we are bringing back Fall Ball to Langley for 2024.
This opportunity is open to both House teams and individual House & Rep players.
Start Date: Saturday Sept 7th, 2024
End Date: Saturday October 5th, 2024 (No games Thanksgiving weekend)
10 games, with two games played only on Saturdays. There may be additional Saturdays for rain makeup days.
Divisions & Birth Years:
U11 - 2013 & 2014
U13 – 2011 & 2012
U15 – 2009 & 2010
Individual Player Price: $125
Early Bird pricing of $100 per player until August 7th.
Important Information
Space is limited due to park availabilities so please do register as soon as possible. This fee will include one t-shirt per player, which will be the playing uniform.
We will be running Recreational(House) only this year but encourage A & B players to sign up as individual players. Divisions may be consolidated based on enrollment.
As Noel Booth will be under construction during this time games will be played at various Langley parks: Noel Booth NE and SE, Denny Ross, East Brookswood, James Hill, RC Garnett.
Game days will start at 9am and run until 5pm.
All games will have a 90 min limit.
All games will have 1 umpire.
Payment will only be accepted online. No cheques or cash.

Any questions can be sent to our Fall Ball Coordinator, Sean at lfafallball@gmail.com
Thank you to our sponsors!
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We would like to acknowledge that our Langley Fastball home fields are located on the unceded, traditional territory of the Katzie, Kwantlen, Tsawwassen First Nation (Coast Salish people), and Sto:lo First Nations.