Registration Is Open For the 2025 season!
Thank you for considering Langley Fastball Association for your child. We pride ourselves on providing a full service experience for all of our players. We hope this page will help guide you through the Registration process and also give you some ideas on what to expect as the season gets closer.
Early Bird Pricing is in effect until January 31st, 2025!
$75 off each House (C) registration completed, including payment, before January 31st, 2025.
*U7 - LTP is not included in the Early Bird promotion.
Are you new to Langley Fastball? Click here.
Division | Birth Year | Game Days | 2025 Rate |
U7 – Learn to Play | 2019 & 2020 | Wednesday | $100 |
U7 – Learn to Play | 2018 & 2019 | Tuesday OR Thursday | $100 |
U9 | 2016 & 2017 | Monday & Wednesday | $175 |
U9 - Boys | 2016 & 2017 | Weekends | $175 |
U11 | 2014 & 2015 | Tuesday & Thursday | $225 |
U11 – Mite select | 2014 & 2015 | Monday & Wednesday | $325 |
U13 | 2012 & 2013 | Monday & Wednesday | $300 |
U15 | 2010 & 2011 | Tuesday & Thursday | $300 |
U17 | 2008 & 2009 | Monday & Wednesday | $300 |
U20 | 2005, 2006 & 2007 | Tuesday & Thursday | $300 |
Lower Mainland U9 Boys Softball League
One weekday practice night with a focus on fun skill development using the Learn to Play model, gamification & team building.
Jamboree style games on weekends.
Cost: $175

Please read these important details:
- Review the policy for special requests here.
- All “new to softball” players are also required to purchase a lifetime membership to Softball BC, which is $10.This must be done through Softball BC before you complete the LFA registration process. Please use this link to get your Softball BC membership. Softball BC Number Purchase
- As we use TeamSnap for our registration, you may have to create a new account, if you do not already have one.
- Pants will NO LONGER be loaned out for the season. Players will be required to obtain their own black softball pants. Leggings or shorts will also work for U11 & Younger.We will have some pants for sale at a steep discount before the season that will be available to all.
- All players families will be required to select a 4 hour volunteer shift/role during the Registration process. For more information on our Volunteering Requirement please Click Here.
- The Early Registration discount will show up in your cart when you are completing the registration process.
- After February 28th all registrations will be wait-listed and special requests will not be considered. This will give us a chance to set the number of teams per division earlier than usual and get our coaches all set before Spring Break. Once we have our teams and coaches organized, we will be using our Wait-List to fill open spots on a first come first serve basis.
- Players are welcome to join us from outside of Langley but if you would like to play with your neighborhood or school friends we would suggest registering with your local softball association. In Langley, if you are north of 72nd Ave, we would suggest North Langley Softball.
- we encourage you to check out our Free Clinics offered to our registered players. All the details are Here.
- Registration for senior Division teams is not yet open but will be closer to the start of the season.
For any questions regarding registration please contact our Registrar, at
Some other things to note:
- After you have registered, you will start to receive emails from us with information for you regarding the season.
- Teams will be formed in March, earlier for our older teams and closer to April for our younger players.
- Uniforms will be handed out in early April, after Spring Break. All info will come in an email.
- We are always happy to help and answer questions so please feel free to send us an email to anytime.

Prospective Volunteer Coaches
For our wonderful volunteer coaches, we are asking that you register yourself, as a prospective coach. That way we will have a better idea of who you are and can hopefully do a more efficient job of putting the teams together. Please see the button below the Player Registration option.
We would also ask that you complete the required annual Criminal Record check as soon as possible. These do need to be done before the season starts. For all the info on how to complete, please visit:
Thank you to our sponsors!
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We would like to acknowledge that our Langley Fastball home fields are located on the unceded, traditional territory of the Katzie, Kwantlen, Tsawwassen First Nation (Coast Salish people), and Sto:lo First Nations.