U15 Division
U15 division is serious… Seriously fun!
Teams will have at least one practice per week. This will be determined by the coach once teams are formed.
Games will be umpired and use the Inter-lock rules. There are no modifications in this division. We will be playing and practicing, interlocking with North Langley, Abbotsford, and Chilliwack teams and hope to enter a couple of tournaments.
Birth Years: 2010 & 2011
Game Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Game Times: 6:30pm – approximately 8pm. (Coaches will require players to arrive at least 30 minutes before game time)
Equipment Required: Molded Softball cleats - no metal (soccer ones are fine), baseball glove, helmet.
If a player would like to try the back-catcher position they will also need a Jill.
2025 Registration Fee: $300
All “new to softball” players are also required to purchase a lifetime membership to Softball BC of $10.
This must be done through Softball BC before you complete the LFA registration process. Please follow this link to get your Softball BC membership. Softball BC Number Purchase
Click here to Register Now.
Volunteering: Amateur athletics benefits the community as a whole, strengthening community and social ties.
Like most organizations, Langley Fastball Association relies on dedicated volunteers in order to offer the very best programs possible.
All of our participants are required to provide a minimum of 4 volunteer hours to aid in the success of our programs. sign up for volunteer hours is done during registration, through the automated registration system.
If you are able to commit to more, or are looking to offer a unique service that we hadn’t thought of, please contact our volunteer coordinator directly. lfavolunteerco@gmail.com
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We would like to acknowledge that our Langley Fastball home fields are located on the unceded, traditional territory of the Katzie, Kwantlen, Tsawwassen First Nation (Coast Salish people), and Sto:lo First Nations.